Smart Building Technology, Virginia
Smart building technology in VA by NPI Connect is being installed in many of the most popular buildings in the state. Today, smart technology fills our lives. It connects us, educates us, and keeps us busy! It also is responsible for saving more lives in hospitals, reducing waste, and making the work environment a better place to be. This technology provides effective, practical solutions for:
- Reducing energy costs
- Reducing consumption
- Improving overall efficiency
- Increasing the ROI
Smart building technology in Virginia uses special sensors, connection boards, and the Internet of Things to collect data that improves the management of a building. Moreover, employees and residents are finding comfort in the things that smart buildings have to offer.
Understanding Smart Buildings
Just a few decades ago, the idea of a building being able to control the temperature of lighting in specific areas, or to purify the air using recycling methods was something more akin to Hollywood movies. However, today things like this have become a reality thanks to the latest VA smart building technology and beyond!
There is no single definition of a smart building, because each building can have it’s own system and features. That being said, any smart building will make use of an automated system that can control various operations, including heating and cooling, air, ventilation, lighting, HVAC systems, window tinting, security, and more.
While many people assume smart building technology from VA can only be incorporated into new buildings, older structures can also be converted. Depending on the building structure, and other factors, sometimes wireless technology will be utilized for older buildings; whereas, fiber optic cables tends to be preferred for new buildings. The reason for this is the wireless devices will not require any holes being put into the walls or floors – something which may be a concern for historical buildings.
Smart Buildings Allow for Greater Efficiency
One of the biggest benefits to smart building technology is its ability to optimize the use of energy. For most commercial buildings, and some homes, energy use is the most substantial expense. On average one third of a standard operating budget is spent on the consumption of energy. It is possible to control energy use through a smart building system. Regardless of the internal or external conditions, smart building technology can increase efficiency and lower operating costs.
Predictive Maintenance
A smart buildings’ sensors are able to monitor and gauge technical performances of systems they are connected to. In the event of a malfunction, even before it is obvious, the sensors can activate maintenance procedures. This system will help the maintenance team know what is going on, track parts of systems that are not functioning correctly, and repair malfunctions prior to them causing serious problems. Furthermore, the technology can manage the lifecycle of equipment; therefore, enabling management to replace it as needed.
Smart building technology can provide you with an efficient, practical, and cost-effective option for your office, building, or home. Call NPI Connect to learn more about Virginia smart building technology.