Smart Building Technology, DC
As a professional from NPI Connect may share with clients, transitioning a home or office to DC smart building technology can mean many things. For example, smart building technology might utilize a system that monitors the performance of lighting or HVAC systems. Other buildings might control the shading of the windows and there are those that minimize water usage in restrooms. Smart building systems might be installed during the development of the structure or be incorporated into an older structure using primarily wireless technology.
Perhaps a smart building is only equipped with small smart speakers that are on the desks of employees with many of them not realizing it was the first step towards something greater! Some smart building technology in Washington, DC makes the lives of the owners, managers, and occupants easier – as might be with smart light bulbs that dim with a simple voice command. Whereas, other buildings upgrade to HVAC system to a smart system; of which, can help the building owners to save between 30 and 50 percent on utility costs.
The point is that DC smart building technology comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms. It is available for a broad range of budgets; therefore, most companies, managers, investors, or homeowners will be able to take advantage of it. The following are a few options that can make life easier, save you money, and should be installed in your building or home.
Smart Lighting System
When a building owner, or company, is seeking to save money on energy, lighting is usually the first step to address. Basic ways to reduce lighting costs may be to upgrade current light bulbs to LEDs. However, some buildings might want to go a step further. This is when smart building technology can come in.
Smart bulbs feature application controlled lighting, automatic dimming, on demand actions through voice commands, and security features that cycle the lights on and off. It is estimated that smart bulbs will pay for themselves in four years. Smart lighting systems save money, can be installed in all parts of the building, can adjust the lighting according to the weather and sunrise/sunset times, and improve the life of the buildings’ occupants.
Smart HVAC Systems
One of the most efficient, and often inexpensive, smart building technologies in DC is a smart HVAC system. These systems can automatically control lighting, electricity, water usage, and more. The controls are based upon data and sensors that read occupancy levels and weather conditions to minimize energy usage. A smart HVAC system can save between 30 and 70 percent of energy costs between November and March.
Building Analytics
Some business owners want better insight into the way their building is running. Washington, DC smart building technologies can provide an enormous amount of information into the condition and maintenance of a building. Problem areas can be identified, such as hot or cold spots or broken equipment. This up to date information encourages building owners to take action before something serious occurs.
With a few changes, using smart building technology can save you time, money, and environmental resources. To learn more about our DC smart building systems, call NPI Connect today.